Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week #3 Thing #6

Who doesn't enjoy playing with all the different things you can do with photos!? These are some really silly sites. I've created the following "work of art" using probably three different API's combined with a twist of my unusual sense of humor...

Troubles at the Kitty Reading Group

I think that kids will love using most of these sites. I think given the appeal of the graphic novels creating their own comic strip would be lots of fun. 15 years ago when I volunteered in the "computer lab" the kids were supposed to be learning keyboarding. During their limited time they had in the lab the challenge was to get them to type something ... Leave the font alone! It will be important in using these sites that the lesson plan involves plenty of planning on the kids part before they hit the computer or it will become a giant time suck. And, (tee-hee), that should be reserved for the adults.


Hanging out in the 800's said...

Had a little bit of trouble posting the link. The site indicates that you can copy and paste the code into your blog to have the image displayed directly there. Got repeated error messages and in the end opted to just toss a link in.

Hey, wait wasn't "making problems a learning moment" my 7.5 weakness. Yeesh, you guys didn't plan this right?! Ha!

hiker said...

I love your little kitty strip! I agree - kids love comics (and graphic novels) so I see lots of potential.

Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

We didn't plan it but what a teachable ( or is that learnable) moment :-)
