Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week #1 Thing #2

I think of the 7.5 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners the easiest step for me is Habit number 4; Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competent, Effective Learner. The skill that is the most difficult for me to achieve is Habit number 3; View problems as challenges.

I have confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. I feel that I can jump in and get up to speed on any topic. I am not afraid of trying things on the Internet and learning as I go. I know I can be a resource. The internet is the present and it is the future. My children are 18 and 21 and very internet savvy. I use them as resources. But they are surprised by how I can bring information on internet use and safety to the table. The world is changing. I regularly tell kids, "don't post anything you don't want your grandmother to read." I graduated from college in 1985, and then jumped back in 20 years later to take a Children's Literature Course from BYU and found continued learning a pleasure. I have entered new occupations at times when friends have been in their same job for decades. I enjoy learning and improving the process as I go. I can approach any challenge with a "can do" attitude. My goal later in retirement is to write a children's book based on my great grandmother's challenges in Nova Scotia. It’s been a long time since my college creative writing class – so I know I’ll have more learning ahead of me!

I think my most challenging habit of the Highly Successful Lifelong Learners is to view problems as challenges. I'm a very organized person and don't find great pleasure in things going awry. I do become grumpy when the computer crashes or websites are down. On the plus side, I tend to handle things pretty well in a state of chaos. But it definitely isn't my favorite mode of operation. I depend on my email and get tense when it doesn't come up. Still I can survive in the case of computer crash and quickly come up with alternative plans. One of my problems is that I am definitely more capable on PC's than on Mac's. It's hard to instruct on an Apple when I don't know the correct hot keys and simple instructions. I hope this will be remedied as my principal wants to give me her Mac after the roll over at our school so I can become proficient in this area.

I think my ability as a confident, effective learner is a plus in instructing the next generation. I will need to continue to view problems as challenges in the future. I am looking forward to this class and becoming more proficient in this important area of library and information technology.


Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

Hi Sonja

I also have those moments of technological meltdown when I face a blank screen that isn't loading (or my most recent issue, a failed printer connection for some bizarre reason because it was working 2 hours ago and I haven't done....well, you see how it is) I have found that FLEXIBILITY is the key and I think that anyone who is willing to keep learning and teach kids has that in spades :-)

Welcome to the blog.

By the way. To keep track of grades, it is important that the blog titles match whichever "thing" you are working on in the class. This one is fine, but I think the next one should be Week 2 thing 3 or Week 2 thing 4. Thanks for the help in keeping our records straight :-)


Hanging out in the 800's said...

Yes, I seem to have some labeling issues! I'm not sure why it's challenging me, I think I've gone through and corrected my titles!