Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week #3 Thing #5

Our Charter Member, The Ladd Leopard, devours a book.

Flickr is an interesting site. My daughter attempted to use a similar site (Photobucket) while she is in Spain this year. She said that it was just too slow to upload. As a result she and I just log in to a private Facebook account using the same email and login. Boy you just plug the camera in and it uploads everything - zip, zip, zip. Our connection is very fast, yet the three pictures I took for this assignment took forever using the upload option they provide. (And her fam's connection in Spain is very slow.) Obviously the quality of the pics on Flickr are fabulous. It seems like it is more for the photographers who take 40 pictures, then download the best 3; rather than amateurs who take 40 pictures and quickly download the bunch off the camera before flying out to the next adventure. Obviously the size limit of the free account attests to that. Tempted to try some of the other upload tools available, but downloading stuff to our computer sometimes makes our Anti-Virus software cranky. We'll see.

Was having trouble publicly viewing my pics using tags even though they were set as "public." The FAQ's didn't do the trick. Ending up going in and changing everything to "private," going out, then going back and resetting to "public." That seemed to do the trick.

I like the FlickrStorm. The 3 part TeacherTube video really explains the practical applications for the kiddos.


Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...
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Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

What a great picture. Cracked me up. :-)


Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

I can see some real educational uses for Flickr Storm. I also think that Teacher Tube is great! As with any tool of the type, you get some junk, some ok, and some fabulous but some of the stuff there is phenomenal.
