Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week #8 Thing #19.1

Digital Pipeline

First, I'm really glad to have them moving ahead with a new interface for Ebsco host. I went to the presentation here this spring and I think it's really a step in the right direction to have the kids go there and not just Google Wikipedia. It has not always been the simplest to navigate.

I enjoyed setting up a folder with the new interface. Although now I chuckle that the folders remind me of "old school computer" and I'm looking for tags these days, rather than the old "file boxes" that I need to copy stuff into if I want it multiple places.

I like Smart Text Searching. Also in the NoveList K-8 I spent more time with the "Read Aloud Picture Books Grades 6-8," which I loved! I looked at the tutorials. Don't the tutorials show some of the stuff using the older Ebsco interface? I'll admit, my learning in this area has been goal focused rather than taking a broad class that really explains all the components and where they come from.

I was planning to introduce my older elementary students to some of the more useful databases this past spring when Ebsco announced the new interface I didn't develop the lesson plan as completed as I wanted to, I hope to do that soon and set up a power point to project with simple instructions so the kids will use this resource.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I really like EBSCOs new interface for the main databases. It is certainly more user friendly and visually appealing which will make it more likely that people will use it.
